Gut Health
Good Health; Disease Begins in the Gut!

Bloating, brain fog, fatigue, and mood swings are the silent thieves of a well-balanced and power-filled life. It wasn’t until I took back control over my health journey that I began to notice the connections between the mind, the body, and more importantly, the gut. Learn how to balance your microbiome by joining Holistically Women Today

Our Mission

Holistically Women born in May 2021, was founded by Dr. Uchechi Esochaghi. Here, Holistically Women is proud of the growing community of high-achieving women who are ready to prioritize their well-being. We teach and share gut health principles to restore our health, achieve mental clarity, restore weight balance,, renew our energy, and resolve gastrointestinal issues. With Holistically Women, we normalize taking control of our mind, body, and spirit!

Community is togetherness, the community is accountability, and community is powerful!
Your health matters

Our Services

12 week Gut
Restoration Program

Join our 12 week Gut restoration program if you are experiencing constant bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux/ heartburn, sugar cravings, mood swings, or fatigue. By using the 5 R approach to gut health, which are Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair, Rebalance, you will be able to balance your microbiome and restore your health.

12 week Weight
Balance Program

What are your body goals? Our priority is for women to center harmony of their mind, gut, body, and spirit. The Holistically Women Weight-Balance program is a fine-tuned, sustainable approach to help you reach your body goals through a balanced microbiome. We teach women to love their bodies through all stages of their weight balance journey. So whether your goal is to lose weight, develop a healthier realistic relationship with your body or both, join now!

Gut Health
Nutritional plan

Whether you're looking for a long-term program for your gut-health journey or simply need a nutritional plan to get started, we create outlooks with you in mind.

“Needless to say we are extremely satisfied with the results. I made back the purchase price in just 48 hours! Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! You won’t regret it.”

Tasha Terry

I was very reluctant and hesitant to start the ten-day cleanse because I thought it would be so hard to keep up with it. After procrastinating for a while, I decided to start, and I’m so glad I did. Starting the cleanse helped me jump-start my cleaner diet and lifestyle. I never thought I could limit sugar, carbs, etc but the cleanse forced me to think outside the box with my foods and realize that there are so many healthier options. I recommend everyone get started. It was a little difficult the first day, but I quickly got used to it. I am looking forward to doing the 10 day cleanse again.

Take this Gut Health Questionnaire

Do I Have A Healthy Gut?

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