This is my story
Uchechi received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Rutgers University in New Jersey, and currently practices as a Family Nurse Practitioner with a love for advocating for her clients. She is also a Functional medicine specialist with a keen interest in the microbiome and evidence based research that proves that having a healthy gut can lead to significant improvements in overall health.
The importance of having a healthy gut is near and dear to Uchechi, for she has struggled with gut health issues for most of her life. She testifies going to her primary care doctor with complaints of gastrointestinal issues, only for them to prescribe medication after medication, without addressing possible underlying causes of her symptoms and identifying the root cause of her condition. She decided to take matters into her own hands and started learning about how balancing our gut flora by what we put in our bodies leads to significant improvements in our overall health, mood, energy and weight. She has learned to incorporate certain gut health principles into her lifestyle that has helped her resolve recurrent health issues.
She wants different for her clients. She wants to aid you in restoring your health by focusing on the root cause rather than symptomatology. She wants to help you regain control of your life by focusing on the health of your microbiome. So take control of your health and make that life changing decision to join.